Blog Entry - A Land Remembered

             Hi everyone! I am Kyra, your blogger and I am back! Today is October 8, 2022, and I would like to touch on a topic related to the novel A Land Remembered. Let's get started!

    To start, Tobias was informed that the best place to go to buy cows was Punta Russa. On the road, he had met a man named Sam Lowry. He had 65 cows and was not able to get them to the market himself so he asked Tobias if he would like to buy them for $3 each. They made an agreement for Tobias to pay on the way back because he did not have that much money on him at the time.

    Tobias was told he had to meet with Captain Sam Hendry to sell his cattle. Tobias ran back to Emma so excited to let her know that he will pay sixteen dollars per head. The total came to $13,840. Tobias wanted 8 coins right away so that he could treat everyone to boots and a meal. Tobias wanted to keep that money as safe as possible. According to page 92 of A Land Remembered, it says "'Won't nobody here pay any more attention to that gold than they would biscuits.'" He was nervous that someone would try to take the money from him, but Captain Hendry reassured him that it would not happen.

    Now that I have summarized a small section of the novel, I would like for you all to think about something. In today's society, do you feel like this situation would have ended the same way as it did back then? Would individuals be as thoughtful when deciding whether they should sell the cows to people or not? I definitely feel like it depends where this would take place due to the fact that everyone is different, and we wouldn't be able to categorize everyone as one. Although it may be a tough question to answer, I personally feel like (in my town), everyone loves everyone no matter what. We all stick together and help each other with anything anyone may be struggling with.

    The more and more I read throughout this novel, the more interesting it gets! There is always something even more engaging coming up! I would like to approach how fascinating it is that mostly everyone in the novel is willing to negotiate. It seems like they truly care if someone may not be able to pay right now and it is okay. It may not be true, but I do feel like the people are really considerate of others and their needs. 

Smith, P. (1984). A Land Remembered. 9781561641161. Chapters 16 and 17. pg. 77-93.

This how I imagined them traveling with the cows but in a little rougher condition.
